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The right to demand a hearing…

Residents now have the right to demand a hearing if a licensed premises is causing problems in the community

The new licensing system is now underway and that means that new powers are available to ordinary members of the public who live near a licensed premises.

Residents can call for a “review” of a licence. A hearing is held and if the problem is bad enough, the licence could be revoked. This would effectively close a premises down.

Less drastic measures that could be imposed include:

  • Earlier closing times
  • More stringent controls on outside drinking
  • More stringent controls on music and other entertainment
  • A ban on amplified music
  • Other controls that the licensing sub-committee can come up with to reduce the problems caused for local residents.

If you are having problems with a premises near you, please contact us and we will be able to help you decide whether a review would be appropriate. There are a number of other options which could be tried first. We can also advise and assist you with calling for a review.